A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Perculia (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2013. január 27., 14:23-kor történt szerkesztése után volt. (Rövidítések)
[elrejtés]Wiki Rövidítések
These are abbreviations found on various pages of the Metin2 Wiki.
Tip: to find a specific abbreviation, use Ctr+F to search
Armor Pages
- Def = Defense
- MovSpd = Moving Speed
- MagRes = Magic Resistance
- MS = Moving Speed
- DEF = Defense
- Resist = Resistance
- Immune = Defence against Blackouts/Poison/Slowing
Weapons Pages
Note: for 70 weapons, special bonus abbreviations are explained on that specific page
- AV = Attack Value
- MAV = Magic Attack Value
- AttSpd = Attack Speed
Accessory Pages
- AttSpd = Attack Speed
- Endur = Max Endurance
- PoisRes = Poison Resistance
- RestSP = Chance to Restore SP
- RestHP = Chance to Restore HP
- HP Reg = HP Regeneration
- SP Reg = SP Regeneration
- Crit = Chance of Critical Hits
- CastSpd = Casting Speed
- FireRes = Fire Resistance
- LightRes = Lightning Resistance
- WindRes = Wind Resistance
- SP Reg = SP Regeneration
- HP Reg = HP Regeneration
- Pierce = Chance of Piercing Hits
- RestHP = Chance to Restore HP
- CAA = Chance to avoid arrows
- CB = Chance to block close combat attacks
- SP-Absorb = Demage are absorbed by SP
- CTB = Chance to blackout
- MS = Moving Speed
- FR = Fire Resistance
- LR = Lighting Resistance
- WR = Wind Resistance
- AR = Arrow Resistance
- MaxEn = Max. Endurance
- PR = Poison Resistance
- Chance of EXP bonus = Chance of expirience bonus
- CS = Casting Speed
- CAA = Chance to avoid arrows
- CB = Chance to Block a close combat attacks
- DEF = Deffence
- SP Reg = SP Regeneration
- HP Reg = HP Regeneration
- Def = Defense
- AV = Attack Value
- Crit = Chance of Critical Hits
- SP-Absorb = Demage are absorbed by SP