„Tárgypiac” változatai közötti eltérés

a (Változás & újrakezdés)
a (Változás & újrakezdés)
78. sor: 78. sor:
| style="text-align:center;" | 24[[Sárkányérme|SÉ]]
| style="text-align:center;" | 24[[Sárkányérme|SÉ]]
| [[Kép:Ujraelosztas:tekercs_ero_IS.png|90px]]
| [[Kép:Ujraelosztas_tekercs_ero_IS.png|90px]]
| [[ Újraelosztás Tekercs - Erő (ERŐ)]]
| [[ Újraelosztás Tekercs - Erő (ERŐ)]]
| Visszaállítja az erődet 1-re és lehetővé teszi a pontjaid ujra elosztását.   
| Visszaállítja az erődet 1-re és lehetővé teszi a pontjaid ujra elosztását.   

A lap 2012. november 16., 21:10-kori változata


Item-Shop is a shop where you can buy items or assistance which they cannot be traded or purchased in the game. They can be bought with Sárkányérme (SÉ), and can be bought with real money(euros).
Through the acquisition of such items or assistance you get Sárkányjegy Sárkányjegyet. The player gets dragon marks after he waste Sárkányérmét, például, 20-ért 20SJ-t kapsz. If you collected enought Dm you can buy some bonus items. Among bonus items you can buy Áldástekercs too.
The item shop is found after the login on the [HU] oldalra. Since 30 September 2009 players can buy items from Item-Shop directly from the game. To get to Item-Shop from game you need to press the spinning coin 45px on the left bottom of the display or from the game menu by pressing Esc.
Sárkányérme can be purchased by SMS, call, credit cards, PayPal, Moneybookers, direct bank transfer.

note: some items from the item shop may also be found in-game

Új tárgyak

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
90px Biológus Quest Csomag Ambiciózus kutatóknak, akik sikeresebbek akarnak lenni a Biológus Quest-ekben. Tartalmaz: - Kutatói Elixír (10 db) - Sárkány Medál (10 db) - Tolvaj Kesztyű (7 napra) és - Támadó Ital +10 (10 db). Nem 59
Prémium doboz Prémium doboz This exclusive hassle-free premium package helps you progress in almost all parts of the game: More experience points, yang and items for 30 days! Nem 183
Vérkő Vérkő Ez a szimbolikus kő belépést engedélyez neked a Száműzött Barlangjaba, ha elérted a 75-ös szintet. Ezekkel a kövekkel nem lehet kereskedni! Nem és Igen (csak azok adhatók át, amiket a Grottoban szereztél. 6/24
Áldott márvány Áldott márvány This legendary marble adds a fifth attribute to items that already have four attributes. The addition can also fail though. Nem 29
Betekintés üvege Betekintés üvege This special glass allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. To use it, hold down `alt` in the chat window and click on the item that you would like to have displayed. Nem 4

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Változás & újrakezdés

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
Ordoguzo tekercs IS.png Ördögűző tekercs Megszabadít a gonosz szellem átkától, ha a tanulás nem sikerül. Nem 9
Allapot visszaallito IS.png Állapot visszaállító E tárgy felhasználásával a státusz pontjaidat újraoszthatod. Így tudod a karaktered fejlődését egy más irányba terelni. Nem 79
Keszseg visszaallito IS.png Készség visszaállító E tárgy felhasználásával egy készséged pontjait újraoszthatod, és így a karaktered fejlesztését más irányba terelheted. (Figyelem: pontveszteség előfordulhat). Nem 24
Ujraelosztas tekercs ero IS.png Újraelosztás Tekercs - Erő (ERŐ) Visszaállítja az erődet 1-re és lehetővé teszi a pontjaid ujra elosztását. Nem 19
Ujraelosztas tekercs ugyesseg IS.png Újraelosztás Tekercs - Ügyesség (ÜGY) Visszaállítja az ügyességedet 1-re és lehetővé teszi a pontjaid újra elosztását. Nem 19
Ujraelosztas tekercs intelligencia IS.png Újraelosztás Tekercs - Intelligencia (INT) Visszaállítja az intelligenciádat 1-re és lehetővé teszi a pontjaid újra elosztását. Nem 19
Ujraelosztas tekercs eletero IS.png Újraelosztás Tekercs - Életerő (VIT) Visszaállítja az életerődet 1-re és lehetővé teszi hogy újra eloszd a pontjaidat. Nem 19
Birodalmak oldata IS.png Birodalmak oldata Egy nem házas karakternek lehetővé teszi, hogy egy alkalommal egy másik birodalomba számüzetésbe mehessen, ha gazdag (500.000 Yang). Nem 99
Utod gyuru IS.png Utód gyűrű Felhatalmaz egy céh vezetőt arra, hogy kiválassza utódát és átadja a vezetést neki. Nem 47
Megvaltoztato varazslat IS.png Megváltoztató varázslat Ez a varázslat megváltoztatja karaktered nemét, ha bizonyos feltételeknek megfelel. Nem 99
Elet gyumolcse IS.png Élet Gyümölcse Növeli a rang pontot 2000-rel (újratöltési idő: 8 óra). Nem 64

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Contact & Trade

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
Fájl:Emotionsmask.gif Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 15, 30 days. Nem 26 / 48
Fájl:Silk Bundle.jpg Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days, free of charge. Nem 9
Fájl:Scroll of Location.jpg Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. Nem 15
Fájl:LanguageRing.jpg Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7, 15, 30 days. Nem and Yes
(only from the chest and quest)
15 / 29 / 49

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Regeneration & Strength

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Potion of Speed Boosts your speed by 60 for 30 minutes. Nem 35
32px Potion of Attack Increases your attack speed by 10 and 15% for 30 minutes. Nem 19 / 33
32px Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. Nem 10
32px Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP is immediately recovered to 100%. Nem 15
32px Blessing of Magic Blessing that regenerates all your SP immediately. Nem 59
32px Blessing of the Dragon A blessing with which your HP and MP are immediately recovered to 100%. Nem 20

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Fight and Aptitude

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped (works for 25 playing hours). Nem 59
32px Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider Dungeon 2. Nem 9 (1 pcs)/ 59 (25 pcs)
32px Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your horse a name for 30 days. It also increases the defence value by 20 during these 30 days. Make sure you do not give your own name to your horse! Nem 49
32px Medal of the Dragon Protects you from the usual loss of experience points when reviving a dead character at the place of his death (1% to 3% of the EXP needed for the next level). Nem 29
32px Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone by means of a direction arrow. It can be activated 6 times. Nem 79
32px Bravery Cape Ancient warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. Nem 49 (50 pcs)
32px Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 15 or 30 days. Nem 30 / 42
32px Book of the Leader As long as the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all group members will gain 30% more experience points for 3 hours. Nem 29
32px Potion of Haste This potion reduces the cooldown time of your abilities by 20 percent for 30 minutes. Nem 24

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Wedding and Marriage

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. Nem 21
32px Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of monsters attacking a married player for 3 hours, if carried by one of the spouses. Nem 21
32px Necklace of Love Increases the attack power during battle for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. Nem 21
32px Necklace of Harmony Increases defence during a battle for married players for 3 hours for both players, if carried one of the spouses. Nem 21
32px Earrings of Love Increases the chance of landing deadly hits in fights for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. Nem 21
32px Earrings of Harmony Increases the chance of a piercing hit for married players for 3 hours if worn by one of the spouses. Nem 21

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Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Reinforce Item Adds a new bonus to an item. An item can have a maximum of 4 bonuses. Yet the adding of a bonus can also fail. Nem 99
32px Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. Nem 59
32px Stone of the Blacksmith With this stone and a blessing scroll you can make a blacksmith handbook. It promises a higher chance of success than the dragon scroll. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. Nem 79
32px Magic Iron Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll, a dragon scroll can be produced. It increases the chance of successfully improving an item. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. Nem 59
32px Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. Nem 29
32px Scroll of Correction With this scroll you can remove the most recently added Spirit Stone from an item. Nem 49

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Különleges tárgyak

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Experience Ring Increases gained experience points by 50% for 7,15 or 30 days. Nem 61 / 144 / 199
32px Thief Glove Doubles your chance of looting items for 7, 15 or 30 days. Nem 32 / 51 / 89
32px Third Hand A hand that automatically picks up dropped Yang for 7, 15 or 30 days. Nem 13 / 24/ 45
32px Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 7, 15 or 30 days. Nem 13 / 24 / 45
32px Feather of Lovers When it is equipped, your love points increase twice as fast for 7, 15 or 30 days. Nem 12 / 22 / 40
32px Lucky Medal Doubles your chance of looting Yang by 50% for 7, 15 or 30 days. Nem 36 / 62 / 86

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Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Warrior Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 39
32px Ninja Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 39
32px Sura Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 39
32px Shaman Hairtyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 39

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Hairstyles of Protection

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Warrior Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes +10% defense against different characters (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 49
32px Ninja Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes +10% defense against different characters (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 49
32px Sura Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes +10% defense against different characters (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 49
32px Shaman Hairtyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes +10% defense against different characters (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Nem 49

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Economy Packages

Kép Tárgy Infó Ár
32px 4x Reinforce Item 4 + 1 economy package 299
32px 10x Exorcism Scroll 10x Exorcism Scrolls 166
32px 4x Enchant Item 3+1 economy pack 177
32px Small Starter Package Collect experience points and achieve higher levels more quickly with this starter package! Get your Medal of the Dragon (10 units) and an Experience Ring (7 days) together for just 69 reduced from 90 ! 69
32px Medium Starter Package Get ahead with the medium starter package. Secure the Experience Ring (7 days), the Wind Shoes and the Medal of the Dragon (10 units), together for only 99 reduced from 149 . 99
32px Large Starter Package This hassle-free package for all adventurers contains the items from the medium starter package... and more! Get the Experience Ring (7 days), Wind Shoes, the Thief Gloves (7 days), the Blessing of the Dragon as well as the Medal of the Dragon (10 units) for just 129 reduced from 201 ! 129
32px Blessing Scroll 2+1 economy Pack Reduces the risk of destroying an item, if the improvement fails. If this is the case, its quality is merely reduced by 1. 1440 Dm

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Sárkányjegy tárgyak

Kép Tárgy Infó Átadható? Ár
32px Blessing Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an object when its improvement fails.It will reduce it for one point( for example +6 to +5). It can be found in the Gold Treasure Box or Boss Chests. Lately you can drop it from level 50 of all monsters, but very rarely. It can be obtained from Item-Shop too for 720 Dm. Yes 720 Dm
32px Blessing Scroll 2+1 economy Pack Reduces the risk of destroying an item, if the improvement fails. If this is the case, its quality is merely reduced by 1. 1440 Dm
32px Musk Oil Musk Oil is a real miracle potion when it comes to giving your body a new smell. Musk Oil is used as a foundation for making fragrances and can be combined with a number of other ingredients such as lilac. Is needed to complete a quest of level 4. Yes 1 Dm
32px Magic Copper Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll you can make a scroll of war. It guarantees the successful improvement of items with the levels +0 to +3. Nem 849 Dm
32px Magic Iron Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll, a dragon scroll can be produced. It increases the chance of successfully improving an item. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. Nem 666 Dm
32px Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. Nem 599 Dm
32px Critical Strike Increases the chance of a critical hit whilst fighting by 20% for 10 minutes. Nem 420 Dm
32px Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit by 80% for 10 minutes. Nem 480 Dm
32px Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. Nem 299 Dm
32px Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 30% for 30 minutes. Nem 240 Dm
32px Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. Nem 299 Dm
32px Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 30% for 30 minutes. Nem 319 Dmhttp://wiki.metin2.co.uk/images/logo/1.png

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